Never take notes

Rev up your meetings with time-saving recaps

Boost collaboration and alignment using AI-powered meeting summaries that save time and work effortlessly with your favorite tools

Objectives, Key Takeaways, and Action Items generated by LetsDive

13,000+ teams host great meetings with Dive

Minutes For EVERY MEETing

Save time with AI, stress-free

Dive AI's smart technology takes care of meeting recaps, capturing essential points and action items, leaving you to focus on what truly matters

Key takeaways from a meeting generated by Letsdive

Nurture team Collaboration and alignment

Keep everyone connected and on the same page with recaps that encourage ashared vision

Email digest of meetings generated by Letsdive

Count on accurate and dependable recaps

Rely on advanced algorithms to consistently deliver precise and insightful meeting summaries, empowering better decision-making

All speakers in a meeting

Recaps sent straight to your go-to tools

Dive delivers AI-crafted recaps directly to your favorite tools, ensuring your team's workflow remains uninterrupted and efficient

Meeting summary generated by letsdive
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