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Help your team focus on concrete actions they can take to improve collaboration, processes and results. Curated by Anna Lurchenko, UX Designer at Google Health.

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SCAMPER Problem-Solving Method

Help your team explore traditional ways of thinking through seven different perspectives with this handy meeting template.

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Product Release Meeting for Customer-Facing Teams

Looking to meet with customer-facing teams about a new product release? Use this template to provide a product demo and outline product launch strategies for each team.

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First 1-on-1 CPO and CEO Meeting

The first 1:1 between a CEO and CPO should discuss the company product history to gain a better understanding of the present and future goals.

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First 1-on-1 Meeting with Product Manager

Kickoff your first 1-on-1 with a new Product Manager with this meting template to get to know each other, discuss specific projects and welcome them to the team!

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First 1-on-1 Meeting with Project Coordinator

Kickoff your first 1:1 with a new Project Coordinator with this meeting template to get to know each other, discuss specific projects and welcome them to the team!

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First 1-on-1 Meeting with Marketing Specialist

Kickoff your first 1-on-1 with a new Marketing Specialist by getting to know each other, discussing specific projects and welcoming them to the team!

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First 1-on-1 Meeting with Customer Success Representative

Kickoff your first 1-on-1 Meeting with a new CSR with this meeting template to get to know each other, discuss specific projects and welcome them to the team!

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First 1-on-1 Meeting

Kickoff your first 1:1 with a new team member using this specially-curated meeting template.

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