Growth Team Meeting

Discuss current growth experiments, review results, and determine which growth hacks to test moving forward.

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Growth Marketing Interview

Use this template from Igor Gorbatko and put together a list of questions that will help identify your next super Growth Marketer.

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Post Growth Marketing Interview Reflection

Use this template to reflect on the recent Growth Marketing interviews that you have conducted to determine who will be the best fit for the role. Curated by Igor Gorbatko, co-founder at Growth Engineers.

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Weekly Growth Marketing Projects Meeting

Use this Weekly Growth Marketing Projects meeting template to check-in on ongoing growth marketing projects and ideate new projects for the upcoming weeks.

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Growth Marketing Weekly Update

Dive into the previous week's results and determine what growth marketing tests went well (or not).

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Start Stop Continue Retrospective

Help your team focus on concrete actions they can take to improve collaboration, processes and results. Curated by Anna Lurchenko, UX Designer at Google Health.

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First 1-on-1 Meeting with Project Coordinator

Kickoff your first 1:1 with a new Project Coordinator with this meeting template to get to know each other, discuss specific projects and welcome them to the team!

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First 1-on-1 with a Project Manager Meeting

Use this 1-on-1 meeting template for the first meeting with a project manager to clarify priorities, expectations, schedules and set the new PM up for success!

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PEST Analysis

Use this meeting template to discuss how various political, economical, social, and technological circumstances and trends might impact your company in the present & in the future.

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